Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rock in Rio!

Everything is great here - the weather has finally gotten much better and I've spent about the last 4 days at the beach. Love it! Last weekend was an absolute blast! Lisa and I went to Rock in Rio - a massive concert they have over 5 days every 2 years in Lisbon. We saw Alanis Morrisette and Bon Jovi!! So much fun - the Portuguese knew every single word to all of the Bon Jovi songs...it was hysterical. The concert was great - I've never seen so many people! It went from 5:00 and didn't finish until 2:00am. Sunday we recovered with some beach time and have spent the last few days getting ready for Italy! Taking off tomorrow morning and just finished packing. We will be flying into Milan and going to Venice, Cinque Terre, Florence, Tuscany, Sorrento and Rome. I will try to send updates from the trip and will have plenty of pictures when I get back :) I'm almost to my halfway point...it seems like it's gone slowly, but when I think about only having a couple months left, I can't believe it! I am still enjoying every minute and looking forward to all of the fun and travel the next couple months. Hope everyone is doing well - miss you all! xo